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Toastmasters Secretary Minutes Template

  1. Toastmasters Secretary Minutes Template
  2. Toastmasters Secretary Minutes Template Printable

August 22 - 6:15pm meeting with Marianne Ferrara - area Gov. bringing pizzaClub Humor/TT - of course:) - August 29thArea - Humor/TT - Sat., Sept 27 - 9am - location same as our clubDivision - Humor/TT - Sat., Oct., 4 - PlainsboroAnna attended the Princeton officer training. Thank you, Anna!We have the following officers attending Kristina's trainings:Siva/Thaine/Tony/Yvonne/ Tues 12 and Pam/Terri Sat 23rdThis will achieve our goal of 4 or more officers trained for our clubs DCP points.Kristinas' officer training meetings are being held Tues., August 12 @ 6:45pmand Sat., Aug 23 at 9:30 am @ our SSU club meeting site.Thaine has volunteered to be our new webmaster. Thank you, Thaine!It was nice to have a TM placard on the front window last evening letting everyone knowthat the meeting was taking place in the here and now.Siva suggested putting a specific phone number on this sign that would give those locked outsidea 'call in' number. He will look into a google phone number for our SSU club. Great idea!I will address a thank you letter to the firm and to the secretary for her cooperation with us and toexpress our appreciation of the use of this facility.It would be advantageous for our club to gain employees, as members, from the building where we meet.

It would secure our building access and make hiring someone, for door duty, unnecessary. A flier posted in entrance way of building next to pizza fliers may stimulate interest in or TM programs. I am looking for a volunteer to create a flier to post an attractive invitation to join our group.(New members) Any takers?We had one new member fill out an application last evening along with paying, by check, for membership and books for August and Sept. Please welcome Nathan as a new member!You are simply the best!TerriSSU PresidentSuccessfully Speak Up Toastmasters Meeting Friday July 13, 2012Sergeant-at-Arms Anna convened the first meeting of the new Toastmasters year at 7:30pm.New President Thaine welcomed members and guests.

Toastmasters Secretary Minutes Template

Twenty-one were in attendance, including two guests.Girija's word of the day was valiant, an adjective, meaning possessing or acting with bravery or boldness.David Shl.' S inspirational thought was to practice, practice, practice for a speech.President Thaine was the Toastmaster and introduced the speakers.First Speaker Mike K.

Gave his #1 speech, the Ice Breaker; it was titled 'Me, Mike and I.' He talked about his migration to Hamilton, NJ when he was a kid and how he enjoyed his childhood life with his best friend. He also talked about his transition from being a barber, his family business, to becoming a meat cutter. In between, he experimented with lots of jobs and enjoyed doing it.Evaluator David Shl. Said that he relaxed the audience by his storytelling style.

Toastmasters Secretary Minutes Template Printable


He used the timeline method of past, present and future. The pruning (improving) points were to give a name to the main character. By giving a name, it will add personality to the story. Overall, it was an amazing job.Second Speaker Merlene gave her #3 speech (Get to the Point): 'It may hurt a little, but it will be worth it.'

She spoke of her personal tragedy about breast cancer. She talked about how her mom died of breast cancer and how she survived breast cancer and is now helping others through volunteering in Breast Cancer Center, going to church and telling her survival story and giving hope to others.Evaluator Lois said she was a passionate speaker and it was a motivational speech with facts and figures and a personal story of her mom, herself, her employees. The speaker turned her illness into her passion and her passion to a cause for everyone.Third Speaker Velu gave his #5 speech from an Advanced manual (Speaking to Inform): 'Abstract Thinking.' He said abstract thinking was thinking generally without attachment. Although, we are born as massive thinkers, we don't do that. He gave examples of Bill Gates, Newton and Albert Einstein.Evaluator Susan said that Velu was a valiant speaker as he had lots of confidence and was willing to tackle a difficult topic. He had effective pace, great eye contact.

She thought that the theory should have been defined early on and then the examples should have been given.Fourth Speaker Susan gave a speech from the Educational Module: 'Giving Speech Evaluations.' Her analogy about speech evaluation was with growing sprouts which need to be nurtured. She said to save the pruning, that is, tell the criticism in the end. Good Evaluation strives to find a balance and provide honest reaction in a constructive manner to the person's efforts. She suggested to give specific recommendations for improvement and also requested not to use “But” in good evaluation.

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